Thursday, October 23, 2003

Headline Creator Pro

Product: Software program

This software uses a lot of headlines that have worked offline in the distant past. I have not doubt that variations of those old headlines can work for your website. It's not the only resource I use for coming up with headlines but it does make it a little easier than trying to come up with headlines from a long list of winning headlines.

Rating: 4/5.

Writer's Tool

Product: Software program

Underrated database in which you can store winning quotes, headlines, and cliches to be used in your copywriting. Useful but somewhat outdated. Most traditional copywriters store their swipe file on paper, but a digital swipe file gives you added benefits such as :

- a backup (without having to photocopy everything you have)
- the ability to store it remotely without having to photocopy everything you have
- a portable swipe file so you can have one on your home pc and one on your laptop

Pro: The only program I know of its kind.
Con: Can't add additional categories, such as closes, P.S., money-back guarantees, calls to action, etc.

Rating: 3.5/5

If your website doesn't have a headline, you're losing visitors AND sales. If people have to figure out what your website is all about by reading through it, many won't. They'll just leave. A Headline is a must-have if you're trying sell anything...even if it's free.

I have to give Headline Creator Pro a higher rating but I still use Writer's Tool because HCP's headline database isn't customizable. I definitely recommend them both if you're stuck while coming up with a headline for your website.